Sheikh Akl of the Unitarian Druze Community, Sheikh Naim Hassan, and Progressive Socialist Party Chief Walid Jumblatt, visited today the residence of the newly-elected “Druze Sheikh Al-Akl” by acclamation, Sami Abi Al-Mouna, congratulating him on his novel mission.

In his brief word, Sheikh Hassan said that the Druze Council has endured a lot of injustice over the past period, stressing that “it plays its role in serving the people through offerings and aids,” while wishing his successor God’s blessings in pursuing the work of the sectarian council and in serving the Druze community and the nation.

In turn, Jumblatt said in his delivered word that he sought reconciliation till the last moment in choosing a figure to succeed Sheikh Hassan, but all the names that were presented to him (some were also passed on to MP Talal Arslan for his input) were not deemed suitable for the “Sheikh Al-Akl” post.

“In the end, this is a political post,” Jumblatt said, noting that “this is a political, social and religious challenge, and this position is comparable to the Mufti of the Republic, the Patriarchs, the Head of the Supreme Shiite Council and others…”

“I do not think that anyone can assume this role other than Sheikh Sami Abi Al-Mouna, who continued in the same approach established by Sheikh Naim Hassan and went through enormous difficulties…Some may wonder about the achievements; it is enough that after 70 or 80 years, the Druze ‘Waqf’ lands have been unified,” he underscored.

Source: National News Agency

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